Refereed Journal Articles
Patton, L. D. (2015). Disrupting postsecondary prose: Toward a critical race theory of higher education. Urban Education.
Harris, J. C., Barone, R., & Patton, L. D. (Accepted for Publication). Who Benefits?: A Critical Race Analysis of the (D)evolving Language of Inclusion in Higher Education. Thought & Action.
Patton, L. D., & Bondi, S. (2015). Nice white men or social justice allies?: Using critical race theory to examine how white male faculty and administrators engage in ally work. Race, Ethnicity, and Education, 18(4), 488-514
Cobham, B. A. M., & Patton, L. D. (2015). Self-Will, Power, and Determination: A Qualitative Study of Black Women Faculty and the Role of Self-Efficacy. NASPA Journal About Women in Higher Education, 8(1), 29-46.
Patton, L. D., & Davis, S. (Winter, 2014). Expanding transition theory: A phenomenological exploration of African American students’ multiple transitions following Hurricane Katrina. Journal of College Admission, 22, 6-15.
Patton, L. D. (2014). Preserving respectability or blatant disrespect?: A critical discourse analysis of the Morehouse College appropriate attire policy and implications for conducting intersectional research. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 27(6), 724-746.
Patton, L. D., Haynes, C. M., Harris, J. C., & Ivery, S. M. (2014). Perhaps the field of education isn’t so nice after all: A review essay and examination of critical race research in postsecondary contexts. NASAP Journal, 15(2), 135-148.
Farmer-Hinton, R., Lewis, J. D., Patton, L. D., & Rivers, I. (2013). Dear Mr. Kozol…Four African American women scholars and the re-authoring of ‘Savage Inequalities’. Teachers College Record, 115(5), 1-38.
Croom, N. N., & Patton, L. D. (2011-2012). The miner’s canary: A critical race perspective on the representation of black women full professors. Negro Educational Review,62-63(1-4), 13-39.
Patton, L. D., Bridges, B., & Flowers, L. (2011). Effects of Greek affiliation on African American students’ engagement: Differences by college racial composition. College Student Affairs Journal, 29(2), 113-123.
Patton, L. D. (2011). Perspectives on identity, disclosure and the campus environment among African American gay and bisexual men at one historically Black college. Journal of College Student Development, 52(1), 77-100.
Osei-Kofi, N., Shahjahan, R., & Patton, L. D. (2010). Centering social justice in the study of higher education: The challenges and possibilities for institutional change. Equity and Excellence in Education, 43(3), 326-340
Patton, L. D., Shahjahan, R., & Osei-Kofi, N. (2010). Emergent approaches to diversity and social justice in higher education. Equity and Excellence in Education, 43(3), 265-278.
Patton, L. D., & Catching, C. (2009). Teaching while black: Narratives of African American student affairs faculty. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 22(6), 713-728. [Reprinted in the ASHE Reader on Racial and Ethnic Diversity in Higher Education, 3rd ed., 2010)]
Patton, L. D. (2009). My sister’s keeper: A qualitative examination of significant mentoring relationships among African American women in graduate and professional schools. Journal of Higher Education, 80(5), 510-537.
Harper, S. R., Patton, L. D., & Wooden, O. S. (2009). Access and equity for African American students in higher education: A critical race historical analysis of policy efforts. Journal of Higher Education, 80(4), 389-414. [Reprinted in the ASHE Reader on Racial and Ethnic Diversity in Higher Education, 3rd ed., 2010)]
Patton, L. D., & McClure, M. (2009). Strength in the spirit: African American college women and spiritual coping mechanisms. Journal of Negro Education, 78(1), 42-54.
Patton, L. D. & Simmons, S. (2008). Exploring complexities of multiple identities of lesbians in a black college environment. Negro Educational Review, 59(3-4), 197-215.
Patton, L. D. (2006). The voice of reason: A qualitative examination of Black student perceptions of the Black culture center. Journal of College Student Development, 47(6), 628-646.
Patton, L. D. & Bonner II, F. A. (2000). Advising the historically Black Greek-letter organization (HBGLO): A reason for angst or euphoria? NASAP Journal, 4(1), 17-30.
Books and Monographs
Patton, L. D. (Ed.) (Under contract). Critical perspectives on black women and college success. New York: Routledge
Patton, L.D., Renn, K., Guido, F. M., & Quaye, S. J. (In Press). Student development in college: Theory, research, and practice (3rd ed.). San Francisco: Jossey Bass.
Patton, L. D., & Harris III, F. (Eds.)(Under review). Student affairs preparation: A resource for teaching and professional development.
Patton, L. D. (Ed.)(2010). Culture centers in higher education: Perspectives on identity, theory and practice. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.
Evans, N. J., Forney, D. S., Guido-DiBrito, F., Patton, L. D. & Renn, K. (2010). Student development in college: Theory, research, and practice (2nd ed.). San Francisco: Jossey Bass. [2010 NASPA IV-W Outstanding Publication Award]
Harper, S. R., & Patton, L. D. (Eds.)(2007). Responding to the realities of race. New Directions for Student Services, no. 120. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Patton, L. D., Farmer-Hinton, R. L., Rivers, I. D., & Lewis, J. (In Progress). Re-authoring “Savage Inequalities”: Counter-narratives of striving and success in urban education.
Book/Monograph Chapters
Patton, L. D., Haynes, C. M., Stewart, S., & Ivery, S. (In Press). Enhancing classroom learning environments for students of color: Curricular and pedagogical models to address microaggressions. In J.F.L. Jackson (Ed.), Advancing equity and diversity in student affairs: The
applied scholarship of Melvin C. Terrell. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, Inc.
Patton, L. D., Harper, S. R., & Harris, J. C. (2015). Using critical race theory to (re)interpret widely-studied topics in U.S. higher education. In Martinez-Aleman, A. M., Bensimon, E. M., & Pusser, B. (Eds.), Critical approaches to the study of higher education (pp. 193-219). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Patton, L. D., Njoku, N. R., & Rogers, J. N. (2014). Black feminist thought and examining the experiences of Black graduate women in the academy. In V. Anfara & N. T. Mertz (Ed.), Theoretical frameworks in qualitative research (2nd ed.)(pp. 62-79). Thousand Oaks: Sage.
Croom, N. N., & Patton, L. D. (2014). Using endarkened and critical race feminist perspectives to question and analyze knowledge production narratives. In F. A. Bonner, A. F. Marbley, R. L Hughes, F. A. Tuitt, & P. A. Robinson (Eds.), Black faculty in the academy: Narratives for
negotiating identity and achieving career success. New York: Routledge.
Patton, L. D., Harris, J. C., Ranero, J. J., Villacampa, I., & Lui, J. (2014). Undergraduate women of color in higher education: Engaging issues beyond the numerical hype. In S. R. Harper & S. J. Quaye (Eds.), Student engagement in higher education: Theoretical perspectives and practical approaches for diverse populations (2nd ed.) (pp. 37-54). New York: Routledge.
Patton, L. D., & Haynes, C. M. (2014). Using critical interpretive lenses to examine glass ceiling effects through qualitative research. In J.F.L. Jackson & M. O’Callaghan (Eds.), Measuring glass ceiling effects in higher education: Opportunities and challenges, New Directions for Institutional Research. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Gillon, K. E., Beatty, C. C., & Patton Davis, L. (2012). A critical examination of student affairs research: 75 years of “progress”?. In K.M. Boyle, J.W. Lowery, & J.A. Mueller (Eds.), Reflections on the 75th Anniversary of the Student Personnel Point of View (pp. 67-71). Washington, DC: ACPA-College Student Educators International.
Patton, L. D., & Winkle Wagner, R. (2012). Race at first sight: The funding of racial scripts between black and white women. In K. Dace (Ed.), Unlikely allies in the academy: Women of color and white women in conversation (pp. 181-191). New York: Routledge. [“Choice Outstanding
Academic Title for 2012”]
Ortiz, A., & Patton, L. D. (2012). Awareness of self. In J. Arminio, V. Torres, & R. L. Pope (Eds.), Why aren’t we there yet: Taking personal responsibility for creating an inclusive campus (pp. 9-32). Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.
Patton, L. D., Kortegast, C., & Barela, G. (2011). Policies, practices, and current perspectives on working with LGBTQ millennial college students. In F. A. Bonner, A. Marbley, & M. F. Howard Hamilton (Eds.), Diverse millennial students in college (175-192). Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.
Patton, L. D., & Chang, S. (2011). Crossroads and intersections: Exploring LGBTQ identity development among millennial college students. In F. A. Bonner, A. Marbley, & M. F. Howard Hamilton (Eds.), Diverse millennial students in college (193-212). Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.
Patton, L. D. (2011). Promoting critical conversations about identity centers. In P. M. Magolda & M. B. Baxter Magolda (Eds.), Contested issues within student affairs (pp. 255-260). Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.
Patton, L. D., Ranero, J., Everett, K. (2011). Multicultural student services through a different lens: A critical race perspective. In D. Lazarus Stewart (Ed.), Building bridges, re-visioning community: Multicultural student services on campus (pp. 63-80). Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.
Renn, K., & Patton, L. D. (2010). Campus ecology and environments. In J.H. Schuh, S. R. Jones, S. R. Harper (Eds.), Student services: A handbook for the profession (5th ed.), (pp. 242-256). San FranciscoJossey-Bass.
Patton, L. D. (2010). On solid ground: An examination of successful strategies and positive student outcomes of two Black culture centers. In L. D. Patton (Ed.), Culture centers in higher education: Perspectives on identity, theory and practice (pp. 63-79). Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.
Patton, L. D. & Harper, S. R. (2009). Using reflection to reframe theory-to-practice in student affairs. In G. McClellan & J. Stringer (Eds.), The handbook for student affairs administration (3rd ed.) (pp. 147-165). San Francisco-Jossey-Bass.
Patton, L. D. (2009). Supervising and role modeling. In M. Benjamin & F. Hamrick (Eds.), Maybe I Should?....(pp. 135-137). Lanham, MD: University Press of America.
Patton, L. D. (2009). Ability to handle a disability. In M. Benjamin & F. Hamrick (Eds.), Maybe I Should?....(pp. 51-53). Lanham, MD: University Press of America.
Patton, L. D. (2009). Hazing hits home. In M. Benjamin & F. Hamrick (Eds.), Maybe I Should?....(pp. 118-119). Lanham, MD: University Press of America.
Patton, L. D., & Hannon, M. D. (2008). Collaborating with cultural centers and multicultural affairs offices. In S. Harper (Ed.), Creating inclusive environments for cross cultural learning and engagement (pp. 139-154). Washington, DC: NASPA.
Patton, L. D., McEwen, M., Rendon, L., & Howard-Hamilton, M. F. (2007). Critical race perspectives on theory in student affairs. In S.R. Harper & L. D. Patton (Eds.), Responding to the realities of race. New Directions for Student Services, no. 120, (pp. 39-54). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Patton, L. D. (2007). Conflict in the midst of culture: The transition from cultural center to multicultural center. In O. G. Brown, M. F. Howard-Hamilton & K. Hinton (Eds.), Unleashing suppressed voices on college campuses: Diversity issues in higher education (pp. 75-84). New York: Peter Lang Publishers.
Patton, L. D., Morelon, C., Whitehead, D. M., & Hossler, D. (2006). Campus-based retention initiatives: Does the emperor have clothes? In E. St. John (Ed.), Reframing persistence research to improve academic success, New Directions for Institutional Research, no. 130, (pp. 9-24). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Patton, L. D. (2005). Power to the people! : A literature review of the impact of Black student protest on the emergence of Black culture centers. In F. Hord (Ed.), (pp. 151-163)Chicago, IL: Third World Press
Patton, L. D., & Harper, S. R. (2003). Mentoring relationships among African American women in graduate and professional schools. In M.F. Howard-Hamilton (Ed.), Meeting the needs of African American women, New Directions for Student Services, no. 104, (pp. 67-78). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Patton, L. D., Howard-Hamilton, M. F., & Hinton, K. (2003). Student development and student conduct practice. In J. Lancaster (Ed.), Exercising power with wisdom: Bridging legal and ethical practice with intention. Asheville, NC: College Administration Publications, Inc.
Additional Scholarly/Creative Works
Patton, L. D. (2012). Ethnic student organizations. In J. A. Banks (Ed.), Encyclopedia of diversity in higher education. New York: Sage.
Patton, L. D. (2008). Transforming human crises into teachable moments to enhance student learning. About Campus, 12(6), 2-8.
Patton, L. D. (2006). Black culture centers: Still central to student learning. About Campus 11(2), 2-8.