NJAWHE Special Issue
NJAWHE Special Issue| Centering the Experiences of Black Undergraduate Women in College
The purpose of this special issue is to present scholarship that centers the voices of black undergraduate women and their collegiate experiences within and across multiple contexts and perspectives. This special issue will reveal the unique challenges and triumphs of college and identify recent research focused on Black undergraduate women.
Rosales and Person (2003) stated, “The myth that black women have achieved high levels of educational…attainment over the past twenty years may contribute to the lack of attention by colleges and universities” (p. 53). This special issue will engage educators, researchers and policy makers in theory-building and research perspectives that promote clear findings, implications, and recommendations for serving and supporting black undergraduate women.
For consideration, manuscripts should be at least 20-25 double-spaced pages written in 12-point Times New Roman font and submitted by Thursday, March 31, 2016. Page length includes tables, figures, and references. All manuscripts must be submitted online through
Please include a cover letter clearly indicating the submission should be considered for the special issue. For more information, please contact Dr. Natasha Croom at or Dr. Chayla Haynes at Also download the call here.

ASHE 2015 with book contributors
Book: Black Women in College
Critical Perspectives on Black Women in College (Routledge)
This edited volume is designed to address the invisibility of black women in higher education and to bring greater attention to their experiences. Specifically, the book will focus on the successes that black undergraduate women have achieved, as well as, shed light on services and support systems to enhance their postsecondary educational experiences. This book will reveal some of the strategies and experiences that have shaped college life for black undergraduate women.

My Latest Article
Disrupting Postsecondary Prose: Toward a Critical Race Theory of Higher Education (Urban Education)
In 1995, Ladson-Billings and Tate wrote Toward a Critical Race Theory of Education, inarguably one of the strongest critiques of the educational system. They noted how race remained untheorized in education and proposed that analyses of educational inequity must explicitly acknowledge the role of racism/white supremacy in education. Ladson-Billings and Tate ushered critical race theory (CRT) into education, challenging scholars and educators to raise questions, engage in conscientious dialogue, and produce research in which CRT would serve as a tool and framework to unsettle racelessness in education. Much of their emphases were placed on K-12 schooling contexts, providing a platform to extend CRT to higher education.
In this article, I disrupt racelessness in education, but focus specifically on higher education, and the challenges associated with moving the academy forward in a way that explicitly names racism/white supremacy in areas such as college access, curriculum, and policy.
This article commemorates and extends Ladson-Billings and Tate’s work toward a critical race theory of higher education. Visit: